chicago AREA

2022 Chicago Winner
Over the past four years Owen was very involved in Plainfield South High school. He played football, was on the chess team, ran track and field, was a part of the Plainfield South Leadership Core and National Honors Society and an active member in his church. His freshman year he was bullied and picked on by fellow teammates and classmates, learning from that experience, he would check in on younger teammates who if they needed anything I was there for them. He finally gained the respect of his teammates during his senior year, when he was named team captain and a starter on the field at QB. He wanted to leave Plainfield South knowing that he gave it everything he had, not only in sports and academics, but also making South a more welcoming environment. He recently received the Chicago Bears Community All-Star award.
“I couldn’t have done this without God and he empowering me to trust him and trust myself. I wouldn’t trade a single day of the bullying, because it made me rise above and be a leader and inspire others to make a change and be there own difference.”
School: Plainfield South High School
Over the past four years, Owen has been very involved with several things around his high school. You could find him on the football field, playing on the chess team, competing on the track, a member of the Plainfield South Leadership Core and a prestigious member of the National Honors Society.
These achievements didn’t come easy. He faced bullying his freshman year and never fit in with the crowd. He turned to church and helping others in order to combat the negativity he was feeling at school. During all of this, he always checked on his younger teammates and was always there when anyone needed anything.
Owen finally gained the respect of his teammates and coaches his senior year, when they named him team captain and the starting QB for his team! He ended his senior year this year knowing that he had given everything he had, not only on the field, but in his academics and the heart-warming impression he left on Plainfield.
Although Owen is a humble young man, practicing acts of kindness out of the good in his heart alone, the Chicago Bears recognized him by giving him the Community All-Star Award!
Owen said, “I couldn’t have done this without God and him empowering me to trust him and trust myself. I wouldn’t trade a single day of the bullying, because it made me rise above and be a leader and inspire others to make a change and be their own difference.”
School: Griffith Jr/Sr High School
Kerrick has overcome a lot of adversity over the recent years. He was having a difficult time in middle school keeping on track. He transferred to a different school and was able to turn his life around. He has excelled as a student and an athlete. Kerrick will be the starting quarterback for our high school football team in the fall! Every day, Kerrick can be found interacting with the middle school students in physical education and works with them to make sure they are having a good time. Kerrick has a brother and sister that have special needs and he is always checking to make sure they are taken care of and always helping them as much as he can. Kerrick has been able to overcome the adversity he faced and turn his life around.
School: Griffith Jr/Sr High School
Allison just ended her Junior year of high school at Griffith High School. She was a transfer student this year and extremely nervous about starting a new school where she knew no one. Allison is a travel softball player who was also a Varsity softball player her Freshman and Sophomore year at her previous school. Allison suffers from anxiety so starting at a new school and having to try out for their established softball team was something that was concerning for her. Allison not only made the Varsity softball team at Griffith but she started at Second Base for them every game. Allison just ended her high school season with the second highest On-Base Percentage of her team, Allison has also been able to maintain her Honor Roll status as well. Allison was not only nominated as Student of the Month by her Physical Education teacher but she was also awarded Female Physical Education Student of the Year for the strides she made in her weightlifting class. Allison was the only female in this course and her teacher commended her for doing better than most of the boys in class. Allison will continue playing softball with her travel team this summer. She has come a long way working hard on overcoming anxiety and depression. Allison hopes to continue playing softball in college while majoring in law with the hopes of working for the FBI one day.
School: William Fremd High School
Matthiew started his athletic career in coed cheer as a sophomore in high school with no experience but a whole lot of passion and drive. He worked incredibly hard to succeed and because of his hard work he helped William Fremd High School place in state two times.
Additionally, Matthiew was selected to be on and represent the United States of America’s Junior National Team where he won two gold medals against international competition. Matthiew epitomizes the definition of the Heart of a Warrior because he accomplished all of this while working a job, helping others succeed, and keeping an above 4. 0 GPA.
He is a true hero. His coach, Dana Musinski and his teammates always have incredible words of kindness about Matthiew and he is always striving to be the best he can be.
School: Marian Catholic High School
Recently diagnosed with PMDD, Brookelin overcomes adversity on and off the field. With a 4.4 cumulative GPA, she strives to be a leader and a team motivator.
Brookelin plays softball, competes on a cheer and dance team, represents her school speech team as an officer as well as competing in multiple events. She is part of the high school tennis team and works two jobs, while also working at her school for the work-study program.
She exhibits leadership qualities in all she is involved in, always setting a good example for her peers.

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