

2022 Kansas City Winner

Ryver has overcome more adversity and emotional rollercoasters than anyone should have to endure. He is an all star on the field and court. He plays football and is a multi record setting Running Back. He also plays basketball and is in track. Setting records for both the school and state.

5 years ago Ryvers mother was tragically murdered. He has been raised by his grandmother Carol, who also deserves an award.

“I’m truly honored to to receive the Heart of a Warrior award! It really means a lot to me to know that my family, friends and community voted for me to win! I would like to thank everyone for their votes and support. I would also like to thank the U.S. Army for this incredible opportunity.”


School: Fort Osage High School

Ryver has overcome more adversity and emotional rollercoasters than anyone should have to endure. He is an all star on the field and court. He plays football and is a multi record setting Running Back. He also plays basketball and is in track. Setting records for both the school and state.

5 years ago Ryvers mother was tragically murdered. He has been raised by his grandmother Carol, who also deserves an award. She recently retired from the school district after 20+ years of service but still has to work to make ends meet raising her 16 year old grandson Ryver.


School: North Platte High School

Let me tell you about the biggest warrior I know, Shelby Lingle. From an early age she exhibited her warrior mentality as she fought medical issues growing up. Shelby has always been active in sports as it’s been a way for her to be distracted from things going on.

Through High School Shelby has played 2 years of Football, 1 year Volleyball, 4 years Cross Country, 4 years Basketball and 4 years Track and Field. These things haven’t come easily for Shelby. She has pushed through injuries to include a broken ankle, mental blocks, physical restrictions and also a medical disease to make things happen.

Shelby may be doing great things but she isn’t done yet. In her free time Shelby is a referee for the YMCA and other youth sporting groups. She truly represents every aspect of being a warrior. Shelby will continue to lead by example and show her hard work and just how strong she is and how others too can be a warrior.

Shelby plans to attend college after graduation and continue her running career while obtaining her education in Athletic Training.

Her high school cross country and track coach and teacher is Brendan Cary and he can attest to the Warrior that Shelby is and why she deserves this honor.


School: Leavenworth High School

Eddie is the baby bro of 4 boys and has been the Leavenworth HS QB1 since his Sophomore year, currently a Senior. He’s also a great WR! Previous to that, he competed with the Kansas City team Outlaws/Gorillas and was a part of winning 3 National championships 3 years in a row; grades 6-8th. He was also 12th in the Nation for AAU Long Jump in 2017 while competing with our local team Run Stars. He is a very athletic kid with a humble heart.
Back to QB1; his current season stats are 894 rushing yards, 532 passing yards and 17 total touchdowns. It’s been a tough season but I feel can go down in the books as one of the best! 


School: Leavenworth High School

There is one thing this kid is sure about is football. He has overcome not having a dad in his life due to domestic violence since the age of 6. The only “father figure” he had, his grandfather, passed away this year in May leaving a hugh gap. The one male he had to talk to about life and football.

Though he is still processing this he still has managed to keep his grades up and put everything on the field. He also does a lot of community service in his community which was instilled in him early in life. Of course mom is always by his side and is his biggest supporter.



School: Park Hill South High School

I am a wrestler, and for the majority of my career I have been the only girl on the team. Being a little 5 year old girl wrestling the boys, not a lot of people approved it and I was treated differently than other just because I was a girl in a boys sport. Over the years I have gained the respect of many. I have been the only girl on my team for many years, and I kept pushing myself to try and get better and be as good as the boys. My youth wrestling coach, Randy Smith, helped push me and overcome these struggles. It helped knowing that these coaches were there to make good wrestlers, they didn’t care if you were big, small, a boy or a girl. You were a wrestler in their club and they were gonna push you to your limits. I’m very thankful for those who supported me, but I’m also thankful for those who don’t. They gave a a certain perspective that I still have with me to this day.



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